Reflection on Emotion, Music, and Memory

While sitting in the car with my mom driving home, I often hear her say “This song reminds me of ____”. Emotion, Music, and Memory are all strongly correlated to one another. When a song is playing on the radio, it is easy to be taken back in time to a certain memory. Music can also brings up a lot of prior emotions. For example, I had a friend that, when a certain song would play on the radio, she would immediately would want the channel to be changed because it reminded her of a time that she did not want to go back to. Music can bring back positive and negative memories and emotions.

I love listening to old music and seeing what memories come to mind. One christmas CD brings me back to a fond memory. The entire CD makes me think of when I was around 8 years old, it was right around Christmas, and my mom and I travelled into town to find some Christmas music. I can picture the building, the weather, and the emotions I had when I first heard those songs play. It was raining, we put the CD into the radio, and it started. I can remember that as each rain drop hit the window, I was falling more and more in love with the CD. To this day, the CD brings me back to moments like this and I smile.

From the article by ABC called My Life as a PLaylist, a quote describes what I get when I listen to certain songs, “However, a small minority of people experience unusually strong physical responses to certain pieces of music as well. They might get chills down the spine, goose bumps, or their hair standing on end while listening to music.” When I hear a song that either has an artist with really good music, beats, or lyrics, I get chills. The chills show that music can affect your feelings and your being. It can make you feel the emotions that the artists is trying to portray, even if you’ve never experienced them before.

Music is so powerful and can make you feel all types of emotions and bring you back to times you may have not thought about in a very long time.

Interpretation Poem

Interpretation Poem

We begin life as something small

A tiny little seed 

Hidden deep in the dark soil

But as life goes on 

We become our own being

We bud 

And grow 

We enjoy those sunny days 

And even those days of rain

The good or the bad

We just keep growing


Into the being weren’t meant to be


Surrounded by the one’s we call


9 Picture Poem


Original Poem:


Best friends

even though you’re so different

you are the same at heart

no matter what

you are always able to laugh together

they can make you feel better

spending time with them is always fun

they are like family


Interpretation Poem by Maine Student:


We are all animals,
Canine to feline,
Of skin and gender
and the in between
of Male and Female
and the in between
Of romance
and the in between
Of best friends
Of family
and children
We’ll ride this wave together
Because ohana means family.
And family means nobody gets left behind
or forgotten
Watch as we all fade to black,
because then you’ll see that
We are all the same,
and we’re in this together.
Remash Poem:

Best friends

even though we’re so different


Of skin and gender







and the in between


of Male and Female

and the in between


Of romance




and the in between


Of best friends

Of family




and children


We are the same at heart

We make each other feel better

Spending time together is always fun


We’ll ride this wave together

Because ohana means family.

And family means nobody gets left behind


or forgotten


Watch as we all fade to black,

because then you’ll see that

We are all the same,

and we’re in this together.

Touch and Hearing Reflection


Gene Tweak Opens Sensory Black Box

Researchers discovered that LMTRs (low-threshold mechanosensory receptors), which are nerve endings at the base of ultra-sensitive hairs, helping with our touch sense.

Do other species have these ultra-sensitive hairs?

10 Psychological Effects of Nonsexual Touching

10 Touches: for money, help, compliance, more compliance, flight, to sell your car, a date, power, to communicate, and massage for maths.

How did they come to this conclusion?

The Body Language of Touch

Touch is a very important sense when dealing with interpersonal communication and business.

What are some negative effects touch can have on people?

Touch Illusion 

There are many ways in which our sense of touched can be tricked.

Is your eyes were closed, would that increase or decrease the illusion?

Kissing Device Sends Long Distance Smooch

This technology, dubbed Kissenger, allows individuals to send kisses to others via this device.

Why would someone do this?

The Cutting Edge of Haptics

Haptics is the nonverbal source of communication via touch.

What specific emotions can be passed through haptics?


World’s Largest Natural Sound Archive 

This Sound Library has 150,000 audio recordings featuring 9,000 species.

What is the most popular audio recording listened to?

The Cocktail Party Effect

This study showed that we are able to separate one conversation from another in crowds.

How do we decide which conversation to tune in and out off?

How Does Our Sound Effect Our Creativity? 

The environment we are in effects our levels of creativity. Blue rooms with moderate amount of noise are best fit.

Does this differ from person to person?

Make The City Sound Better

The Sound Taxi records surrounding sound while driving around. This noise is later transferred into unique music.

What song was most popular?

The Sound of Taste

The crispier food taste, generally, the tastier we believe it is.

What are some other sounds that we do like and ones we don’t?

Beethoven’s Deafness Influenced His Music 

Beethoven’s tuned into his inner ear which influenced the sound of his music.

How does someone who is not deaf tune into their “inner ear”?